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During the GründungsGespräche, the teams receiving funding for the GO-Bio initial feasibility phase and GO-Bio next funding receive helpful and practical information.

At the GründungsGespräche, the teams receiving funding for the GO-Bio initial feasibility phase and GO-Bio next funding receive helpful and practical information. © Adobe Stock/kasto

At the GründungsGespräche, the funded teams in the GO-Bio initial feasibility phase and GO-Bio next funding receive helpful and practical information that prepares them specifically for founding and managing their company.

Whether project ideas from the laboratory can be commercially exploited depends not only on research, technological development and financial resources. Many scientists who develop their ideas for commercial use initially have little knowledge of business management, economics or law.

With the start-up talks as part of the GO-Bio initial and GO-Bio next funding, the BMBF sensitizes research teams from the life sciences who are interested in founding a company to the various challenges of setting up a business. In seminars or moderated, interactive formats with external speakers, experts impart valuable know-how. In addition, the start-up teams also learn from exchanging experiences with each other. The GründungsGespräche take place twice a year and last one and a half days.