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Antibody-based ultrafast diagnostics : Date: , Theme: LIFE SCIENCE INKUBATOR

Life Science Inkubator – Dr. Norman Gerstner – ProDetekt, LSI Sachsen

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Beneficiary: Life Science Inkubator Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG
Funding: 01.01.2016 bis 30.06.2018, 1.386.593 Euro

Project description

In many diseases, biological changes can be measured, for example, by analyzing blood samples long before the symptoms typical of the disease occur. In addition, many diseases are similar in their symptoms, but require different treatments because they are based on different biological changes. In all these cases, early and unambiguous detection of the disease in question is essential in order to select the correct therapy and ensure recovery. The identification of disease-specific biomarkers would considerably accelerate this therapeutic and recovery process.

Therefore, the Pro-Detekt team is developing ultrafast and highly sensitive antibody-based detection methods for proteins and biomarkers. These methods find application in the research and diagnostics market as part of the Life Science Incubator. The team focuses primarily on the development of technologies that are markedly superior to the current state of the art in terms of sensitivity and selectivity. By this new possibilities are created for the detection of the smallest amounts of biomarkers and of specific biomarkers in complex samples (e.g. blood samples), e.g. for point-of-care diagnostics. This creates the basis for more targeted and rapid diagnostics and the subsequent treatment measures. The long-term goal of the team is to establish, for example, new diagnostic rapid tests in point-of-care format as routine applications.

Since January 2016, Pro-Detekt has continued the research work of a junior research group within the framework of the Life Sciene Incubator. The research work has already been carried out for several years at the Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy within the framework of the BMBF's Innoprofile and GO-Bio programs.