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Early detection and treatment of metastases : Date: , Theme: INNOVATIONSAKADEMIE BIOTECHNOLOGIE

Innovationsakademie Biotechnologie – Dr. Petar Marinković – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

© LMU München/ Marinković

Beneficiary: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Funding exploratory phase: 1.07.16 - 31.05.17; 59.995 Euro
Förderung feasibility phase: 1.6.2017 - 30.11.2018; 659.899,00 Euro

Project description

Every year, more than 14 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer and more than 8 million die from it, with an upward trend. More than 90% of deaths are due to metastasis and 65% of patients have metastases at the time of diagnosis. A key problem in the treatment of metastatic cancers is the timely diagnosis and accurate localization of activated micro metastases and the lack of selectivity and dose delivery of the drug to tumor tissue. In order to solve these problems, Dr. Oliver Thorn Seshold of the LMU Munich conceived a new method within the framework of the Innovation Academy 2015, which is applicable for diagnostics as well as the therapy of tumors (NanoCapture method).

The NanoCapture method is based on the selective accumulation and immobilization of nanoparticles (NP) in tumor tissue. These particles can contain contrast agents, radiation amplifiers or complexed (e.g. liposomally packaged) chemotherapeutics. The aim is to build up locally high concentrations at the site of action, which lead to an improvement of the efficacy or the signal.

 Within the exploratory phase funded by the BMBF (2016-17), the feasibility of this thesis was examined in vivo. It was shown that fluorescent nanoparticles accumulate significantly stronger in subcutaneous tumors when administered according to the NanoCapture method. With the positive results from these in vivo studies as well as a good intellectual property strategy and market or rather competition analysis, the project was therefore recommended for the subsequent feasibility phase (2017-18).

 During this feasibility phase, led by Dr. Petar Marinković, the NanoCapture method will now be enhanced in order to further improve the selectivity and sensitivity ad well as to test the method’s application in various modalities such as diagnostics and therapy and indications.