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Reduction of brain damage with cooled emergency ventilation : Date: , Theme: INNOVATIONSAKADEMIE BIOTECHNOLOGIE

Innovationsakademie Biotechnologie – Prof. Dr. Ben Fabry – Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

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Beneficiary: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Funding exploratory phase:  01.06.2012 bis 31.3.2013, 49.156,00 Euro

Project description

In the event of a stroke, every minute counts. The aim of the Airchill project was to develop and evaluate a first-aid medical product that reduces brain temperature by means of cooled ventilation. By lowering the body temperature to 32-34 °C, the aim is to slow down the metabolism and to reduce the damage to brain cells caused by a circulatory disorder after a stroke or resuscitation. It is expected that neurological damage will be significantly reduced, and the probability of survival will increase. The system should be able to be switched on during normal emergency ventilation so that neither loss of time nor additional expenditure occurs. Furthermore, the operation should also be possible by a medical layman without problems; the low price is supposed to facilitate a wide distribution.

The exploratory phase of the Airchill project was funded by the BMBF. The project’s aim therefore is to analyze both the market situation and the medical benefits of ventilation cooling for rescue services. In addition, the further development of the technology and clinical tests were prepared for the next phase of the project.

As a result, it can be concluded that cooled ventilation has an economically healthy market potential and makes sense from a clinical and medical perspective. Likewise, the technological challenges of manufacturing an inexpensive device for routine emergency treatment can be overcome. In addition, there are other applications that have not yet been considered, for example in professional sports or in the emergency treatment of heat stroke patients.