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Microporous membrane for the causal treatment of osteoarthritis : Date:

Georg-August University Göttingen – PhD Shahed Taheri

Osteoarthritis (OA) is an incurable disease that affects millions of people worldwide and is particularly common in Germany. © Adobe Stock / Dragana Gordic

Recipient: Georg-August University, Göttingen
Funding: GO-Bio initial conceptual phase 4 (01/10/2023 to 30/09/2024, EUR 114,852.00)

Project description:

Osteoarthritis (OA) is an incurable disease that affects millions of people worldwide and is particularly common in Germany. Current treatment options are limited to pain management and total joint replacement. The idea of ArthroPore is an OA treatment that, if successful, can revolutionise therapy.

The main objective of the project is to develop, manufacture and market a Class-III microporous medical device that makes joint treatment possible. During the exploratory phase the best membranes for future (pre-)clinical trials are identified, industrial partnerships are established and a solid IP strategy and business plan are developed.

The unique selling point of the project is the precise micro-structure imitation of a healthy human joint. This is based on patent-protected findings obtained via the use of high-resolution imaging.