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Development of AI to optimise diagnostics and therapy of rarer and more difficult diseases  : Date:

Arzt im Gespräch mit dem Patienten bei der Erläuterung eines Symptoms © AdobeStock/Ngampol

Recipient: Munich Ludwig-Maximilians University
Funding: Go-Bio initial (01/10/2022 to 30/09/2023, EUR 119,276.58)

Project description:

46.5 million people from Europe and approximately 473 million people worldwide suffer from a rare disease. One of the central challenges for these patients is the long and difficult time period between the onset of the first symptoms and the successful diagnosis or start of therapy, the so-called diagnostic and therapeutic gaps, which are mainly due to an information deficit.

The aim of the lysi project is to transfer a promising new model from theoretical neuroscience: An AI system is being developed to help people with rare diseases diagnose and find therapy. The resolution of the described gaps through information gathering on the one hand and proactive determination of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures on the other hand differentiates the project from competitors such as symptom checkers or clinic search engines.

In the exploratory phase the chances of transferring the technology into practical application and thus ultimately commercial exploitation are to be explored. For this purpose, the market and competitive situation are being analysed, technical challenges are being defined and potential partners are being identified. As a result of the project, prioritised exploitation options are to be developed. An additional implementation strategy for market entry will be designed.